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Boat tours

Catamaran, boat or dinghy excursions

Nothing better than a relaxing day on board one of our boats. You will be lulled by the waves of the fabulous sea of ​​Sardinia. You will explore the most beautiful coasts, venturing among the most famous coves and beaches, but also in those unknown to most.

From the north to the south, with a rich offer on the magnificent east coast, you will be spoiled for choice. Boats will satisfy everybody's needs: from classic ones to exclusive boats, sailing boats, yachts and even comfortable and fun rubber boats. Our skippers will guide you throughout the day, making you discover all the secrets and anecdotes related to the area. In most cases you can enjoy a rich lunch on board, based on fresh fish and local first fruits.

We have a very large proposal, difficult to summarize in a few lines. Here are some of our tips: you can admire the naturalistic jewel of  Maddalena Archipel on board a charter, a catamaran or with a vintage boat. With a sailboat you can sail in the Gulf of Asinara toward Asinara National Park, but also visit the Gulf of Cagliari, the one of Alghero or toward Carloforte Island. On board a luxury yacht you can enjoy the flat sea of ​​Stintino. On a rubber dinghy there will be fun between coves and dream views on the east coast, departing from Orosei or Cala Gonone, and on the west coast between the prodigious blue of Buggerru and Pan di Zucchero.

They will be ideal days to share with friends and family. Days of fun and total relax in the crystal clear waters of the Island, under the hot sun. Experiences also suitable for children, far from every day stress.

Let yourself be inspired

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