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City tours and Traditions

Urban trekking and experiences in close contact with traditions

Not simple experiences, but a real trip to the oldest and most genuine Sardinia, where the protagonist will be you too! You can spend a day in a sardinian farm in the heart of Sardinia. Or, always in the center of the island, accompany an authentic sardinian shepherd in his daily work.

But not only that: in Mamoiada you can become for a day a... Mamuthone! A mask of the oldest tradition in the region; an experience suitable for children, to learn having fun. You will be dressed as a real Mamuthone, with the clothes and the characteristic cowbells. You will wear the mask and you will also visit the shops of the most talented and renowned masks, to know all the curiosities and techniques that these guard.

Do not limit yourself to mere observer experiences, here you can learn the ancestral secrets of Sardinian crafts that still resist in the modern world

In Bitti you will have the opportunity to get totally away from the daily routine, spending a day on the farm. Hearty breakfast based on typical products and then off to look after the livestock and take care of the garden. In the right period you can also try the preparation of cheese, cold cuts or fresh pasta.

Always in Bitti, you will join a shepherd, knowing closely all the particularities of this work: you will experience the milking of sheep or cows, the cutting of cork and so-called transhumance: You will learn to run a flock to move it from one place to another

There are many experiences from north to south, from west to east of Sardinia: let yourself be inspired and immerse yourself in the true face of the island, the one that has resisted for millennia, wild and unique as the nature that distinguishes it!